Add photos using your Map My Tracks dropbox email address.

Just like activity files, photos can be uploaded to Map My Tracks by email. This is great way to add photos to your activities that have been taken using your phone's camera.

When a photo is emailed in it will be scanned for a time stamp to determine when it was taken then assigned to the activity you were doing at that time. If no time stamp is present in the photo's exif meta data then it will not be imported. If there is no time stamp data then you can upload the photo manually on the website.

To upload photos simply email the photo as an attachment to your personalised Map My Tracks dropbox. Each user is given a personalised email address which can be found in Settings > Account Settings.

Multiple photos can be attached and emailed to your Map My Tracks dropbox account. The file types supported include jpg, png or gif. Each individual file should be no larger than 5 MB in size.